About Us
We are a leading independent energy company with an attractive portfolio of oil and gas fields in Argentina engaged in the development, production and exploration of natural gas and crude oil. And, based on wellhead production, we are the sixth-largest gas producer in Argentina. Substantially all of our production and exploration activities are focused across the Austral on-shore basin in the province of Santa Cruz in the southern part of the country. Importantly, we are the largest gas producer in the onshore Austral basin, with a total of 7.3 million gross acres and 5.3 million net acres. We operate or hold interests in 40 oil and gas fields across twelve blocks in the Austral basin, one block in the Neuquen basin and one block in the Northwestern basin. We own several infrastructure facilities in the Austral Basin, including oil and natural gas treatment plants, gathering systems, batteries for collecting fluids at each field and more than 1,300 km of interconnection pipelines to transport production to treatment. We operate important storage and delivery facilities (with capacity of 135,000m3) near the Punta Loyola sea port, which allows us to easily access the oil market.
Additionally, we have significant investments in a network of pipelines in northern and central Argentina. In 2018 this network of pipelines represented 40% of the gas transportation market in Argentina and consisted of an aggregate total length of over 7,300 km of pipeline with a delivery capacity of approximately 60 million MMm3/d.
Our production and development activities are conducted pursuant to 26 production concessions and 4 exploration permits granted by the Argentine federal and provincial governments. We conduct these activities ourselves or pursuant to agreements with joint operating partners. We operate all our oil and gas fields in the Austral basin. We also operate the oil and gas fields in the Angostura block in the Neuquen basin. Our oil and gas field in the Northwestern basin, the Aguaragüe block, is operated by our joint operating partner.